通讯办公室 & 市场营销



Everyone plays a role in protecting the integrity of the 火博体育大学 brand and 相关品牌标识. However, it's the responsibility of 通讯及市场推广 to define the messaging behind and visual identity of that brand, with the support and approval of the President's Cabinet and the Board of Trustees, and ensure they 正确执行. 

你可以看看我们的品牌指南,但是 please be advised that execution of the guidelines is under the sole direction and 监督沟通和市场营销. These files and the directions within are the property of 火博体育大学 and should not be used without approval from 通讯及市场推广.

If you're looking for branded assets – including logos – or support on a brand project, 请与创意服务总监联系.


Copyright infringement is a crime and includes the reproduction, distribution, performance, public display, or making of derivative work without permission of the copyright owner, 通讯及市场推广 on behalf of all of 火博体育 College. 


As the meaningful exchange of different ideas is at the core of our liberal arts mission, we welcome social media as a tool and space for thoughtful engagements. 有时, 这可能会引起分歧. When commenting or posting to this page/account, please remain respectful of one another and behave online as you would in person as a conscious, 火博体育社区的一位有思想的成员. 阅读完整的政策

For guidelines on using social media as a 火博体育 employee, 请浏览人力资源.  


火博体育大学 uses photographs, audio and/or video recordings of employees and students for puposes of education, publicity, and student recruitment. 这些照片 are used online, in print publications, and in other media. 一些照片和录音 are used immediately, while others may be used years from the date taken. 火博体育 archives photos, recordings, and other similar media and may use such in perpetuity. 

Please be advised that images and videos taken in public spaces and/or at public invents, including photos at athletics events, inside public spaces of buildings, on performance 阶段,发布不需要授权. Your presence in or around college facilities and/or properties, as well as at off-campus college-sponsored locations, consistutes your consent to the capture and use of your image and/or voice by 火博体育大学 and waives any claims or rights, whether in 法律或衡平法. 

It's the policy 通讯和营销办公室的主任 to approach private 设置(e.g. (教室,俱乐部会议)以不参加的方式. 如果主题 or setting is deemed sensitive, we will aim to make ourselves known in advance and 留出足够的时间选择退出. 

If you have concerns, or your likeness is being used in a manner you have questions 有关事宜,请与我们联系 info@viendaugac.com or 直接火博体育的工作人员.

非商业摄影师和电影人 that are not members of or hired by the 传播和营销办公室 are welcome to shoot on campus in public spaces as long as photographers receive permission 从他们拍摄的任何人那里. 

Commercial (including media) photographers and filmmakers 被允许 经许可 通讯和营销办公室的主任. 去上电影课,得到许可 教员也是必需的.  Please contact the Senior Director of External Relations and Strategic Commmunications.


For all non-academic writing, 火博体育 follows AP Style. 我们也有很多指导方针 for capitalization and punctuation as they relate to 火博体育-specific programs, facilities, 我们的社区. 请参考下面链接的指南和 如有问题,请与总编辑联系.



火博体育大学 is prohibited from directly or indirectly participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for elective 公职. This prohibition applies to all campaigns, including campaigns at the 联邦、州和地方各级. 违反这一禁令可能导致 denial or revocation of the College’s tax-exempt status.

The prohibition on political campaign activity applies only to the College (the tax-exempt charitable organization), not to the activities of individuals in their private capacity. The prohibition on political activity is not intended to restrict free expression on political matters by leaders or officials of the College as individuals. 同样的, the prohibition on political campaign activity does not prohibit the College from having contact of any kind with individuals who are candidates for 公职. This prohibition and other laws (for example, laws that regulate lobbying activity intended to influence proposed legislation), however, do impose certain limitations on expressions of political opinion by the College or those acting in official capacities 以学院的名义.

Continue reading 火博体育's Policy on Political Activity